Flower Gift – ‘Once in a Year, best for the Year’!
FATHER’S DAY is one of the most special occasions of the year. In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson introduced the first-ever Father’s Day in a way to respect the hard work done by each father of the world – “3rd Sunday of June”, But six years later it is been observed as a Permanent National Holiday; when President Richard Nixon finally signed it into the Law on 24th April 1972. As time goes on, flowers are considered to be the most beautiful and the perfect gift for a Father’s Day to impress them due to their Charming Glow, Scent, Natural Beauty and many other factors like easy availability. Here is Your, Mr. Perfect “Father’s Day Gift”- A Unique Flower Gift!!! Accept it or not, but your father is the real hero of your life; he supports you from all angles & never take credit for him. A “Father’s Day Gift from a daughter”, or by a son; will surely make your father – Happier than ever.
Why Father’s Day is so Special?
Just like Mother’s Day, it is also celebrated; once a year. But, there’s something special in Father’s Day, let me tell you; what it is. There are hundreds of songs in the name of a mother, but did you remember any song; made for the father’s sacrifice & the amount of hard work done from his side in raising his daughter or a son throughout the remainder of his life by working & thinking for your better future? Maybe not!
This was the first & foremost reason to celebrate this Father’s Day with much more significance. Today, we will discuss – How, can you make your father happy and bring a real smile to his face (at least for One Day this Year) through flower gifts.
“Flowers for Father’s Day” or Mother’s?
The ‘Billion Dollar Question in Today’s Generation’ – Flowers for Fathers or Mothers?
Its Answer is simple, people love what makes them happier (Rather than Gender Bias). People like to Look Good, Hear Good & See Good; then why don’t they want to Smell Good (“Through a Father’s Day Online Gift”)?
The point is, you just need to make your father feel happy; then what else can be a better option than choosing “Lively Flowers from someone’s Garden” for your Father’s Bedroom? It will surely help you to make this Father’s Day “Bigger & Better” than ever for your father – Who is everything to You.
Why – Only Flower Gifts for Your Father?
Here is the ‘Golden Reason’ to Know for You!
A flower has a strong tendency to make anyone – “Real Happy”. A flower’s smell can turn your mood ‘Upside-Down’. Just Imagine, when you want to share something important with your father; but your father is in no mood to talk or a bit angry; won’t it be a good idea to keep a “Bouquet of Lively Flowers” around your father; whose smell can change your father’s mood Instantly? ‘Definitely Yes’. So, let’s find the five perfect combinations of flowers to impress your father and a good variety & guidance will only help you to get that upper hand over your brother/sister – In trying to impress your father & get you an edge.
Also, Read: Mother’s Day Gifts Guide for Mom Who Want Nothing
What Are the Best Father’s Day Flowers?
1. “100 Red Roses Bunch” – Not just for Valentine’s Day!
Roses (Especially Red Colour) – have the ability to attract anyone from far enough. That’s the reason, why we choose red as the colour for ‘Signals in Traffic Lights’. In Flowers, it creates the symbol of love and affection towards your beloved person – Your Father. Whenever your father, looks at this bunch of “Red Roses’’, He will surely remember the moment; when you gifted him that flower gift. It will make his mind, ‘Afresh’ with the memories of your love towards your father. Which will surely be the best gift for a father from his daughter/son who sacrificed his ‘Half-Life’ for their future.
Pro Tip: – “Keep this Bunch of 100 Red Roses”, in a place where your father can repeatedly have a look at it and feel happy more than often.
2. “Lilies Hand bunch” – Propose Your Father, this Father’s Day!
A ‘Lily Flower’ holds the symbol of “Purity” towards your loved person or the person whom you worship! That’s the reason, behind the heavy usage of lily flowers in the temples. It is crucial to show purity in whatever things you do. Even, if you love your father more than anyone in your home. But, can’t show the purity level of it; it won’t work out for you. Hence, it is the key factor to show your ‘True Love’ towards your father; which might help you to bring a little closer to your father.
Remember: – A ‘Hand Buch’ helps you to represent unity in a group of flowers together, which is a good sign to make someone happy on a special occasion.
3. “Carnations” – A Symbol of Gratitude & Admiration!
A Carnation Flower symbolizes whom you ‘Idolize’ and consider a ‘Champion’. Just imagine, who can be the biggest Idol of your life – Your father itself – Who Loves You, Who Cares for You, Who Feels Pain – When You feel and celebrate when you achieve Success in your life. He is the true Idol in your life. Therefore, you should show your love towards him by admiring him & making him feel like your Champion; which will surely lead you to make him feel happy for yourself too.
Keep in Mind: – Carnations hold historical & Cultural significance. These flowers are the perfect choice for “Parental Love”, especially towards your father.
4. “Orchids” – A Flower filled with Beauty itself!
Orchids are the most beautiful and are considered the perfect gift for an occasion like “Father’s Day”. These flowers – Vibrant colours & Patterns make them unique compared to the natural flowers, which we use in our daily life. “Orchids symbolize Strength”. They are the visual representation of someone – Who has passed through different life lessons in your life. Hence, choosing an Orchid as your father’s gift in his ‘Bedroom’; make him feel strength for the remaining part of his life.
Important: – Orchids can last Weeks & even Months with decent care. This feature helps the Orchids, to be suitable as a gift for the long term in the remembering of “Father’s Day.
5. “A Purple Iris”- A Flower with Courage in it!
A ‘Purple Iris’ represents the courage, which allowed itself to grow higher & higher after passing through all the struggles in its life. It should be dedicated to someone, who needs to make tough decisions throughout his life for a good cause. “FATHER” – Who else can be the better person than your father for this work? He needs to make all the decisions in your life, in his life, in your mother’s life and everyone – Who is closely related to your life. Hence, giving a flower as a gift to your father; encourages him to take courageous decisions with the intent of betterment.
Note: – Purple colour is often considered a better choice to attract someone with uniqueness, instead of the old-fashioned red & black colours.
My Final Thoughts
A final thought & a suggestion from my side will be, it is crucial to choose a better set of flowers for this Father’s Day (Which I assisted you with this Blog); but more than that. It is about your ‘Real-Love & Respect’, which makes your father happier than anything else. Last, but not least! There are literally, hundreds of flowers with thousands of varieties in this world. But this set of flower groups will help you to create a better impression and gain some sort of advantage over your brother (If, you’re a Competitive Daughter of your father).